Buck Eye Rot

Buck Eye Rot (Phytophthora parasitica): Fruit rot or buckeye rot is a serious disease in all the tomato growing areas. The disease causing the fruits to rot initially affects the fruits near the ground level. The pathogen does not affect the foliage and thus the disease is distinct from late blight. The disease appears as a greyish green or brown water soaked spot that usually occurs where the fruit touches the soil. As the spot enlarges, the surface of lesion assumes a pattern of concentric rings of narrow, dark brown and wide, light brown bands. When young green fruits are infected, they usually become mummified.
Control: In order to minimize infection, good drainage conditions should be maintained in the field. Staking plants and removing foliage and fruits upto a height 15-30 cm from ground level helps to control this disease. Spraying with Difolaton (0.3%) 4 times at an interval of 10 days effectively controls the disease.