Bacterial blight: Water soaked lesions on stem
Pathogen: Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. punicae
On twigs, branches and stems, brown to black water soaked lesions start around the nodes. These lesions develop into large cankers and may break on a slight pressure.
Disease development
Infected fruit and twigs are potential sources of primary inoculum. The secondary spread of bacterium is mainly through rain and spray splashes, irrigation water, pruning tools, humans, and insect vectors. Entry is through wounds and natural openings. The first water-soaked lesions develop within 2–3 days and appear as dark red spots. Disease buildup is rapid from July to September. Severity increases during June and July and reaches a maximum in September and October and then declines.
Select disease free planting material. Spray Bordeaux mixture (1.0%). Spray with Streptocycline (0.025%) in combination with Copper oxychloride (0.25%) or Carbendazim (0.15%) at 15 days interval for 5-6 times starting from leaf initiation stage. If possible, cut ends should be pasted with Bordeaux (10%) paste.