Thrips: Dried tips
Pest: Scirtothrips dorsalis and Rhipiphorothrips cruentatus
The tip of the tender growth gets dried, The leaf tip turns up brown in colour.
Do not intercultivate crops like chilli and onion.
Remove and destroy affected plant parts
Use of blue sticky traps @ 1trap / 10 plants
Spray with acetamiprid 20 sp @ 0.005% to 0.01% i.e. 25 to 50 g /100 L or spinosad 45 SC @ 0.25 ml/L i.e. 25 ml/100 L or NSKE 5% or Verticillium lecani (2x108 cfu/g) @ 200 g / 100 L starting from prior to flowering at the interval of 10 days.
Spray chloropyriphos @ 0.02% or imidacloprid @ 0.04% or deltamethrin @ 0.15 or dichlorovos @ 0.05% as prophylactic or on observing the symptoms.
Spray dimethoate 0.06% prior to flowering. In severe conditions, spray methyl oxydemeton 0.05% and repeat after fruit set.