Fruit rot: Light brown tan color rot
Pathogen:Phytophthora sp. Symptoms Light brown tan colour rot, generally first in fruits near ground level, spreads rapidly with white...

Fruit rot: White fungal sporulation on the fruit
Pathogen:Phytophthora sp. Symptoms Light brown tan colour rot, generally first in fruits near ground level, spreads rapidly with white...

Fruit rot: Infected fruit
Pathogen:Colletotrichum sp. Symptoms Discolouration of fruits starts from calyx end or fruit surface. The discoloured area becomes...

Fruit rot: Dry rot around the calyx
Pathogen: Colletotrichum sp. Symptoms Dark brown fast spreading dry rot generally starting from calyx end and spreading towards stem end...

Fruit rot: Discoloration of the fruit
Pathogen: Aspergillus sp. Symptoms Fruits infected by Aspergillus sp. generally are slightly off-color such as a paler red and may show...

Fruit rot: Round black spots on the fruit
Pathogen: Aspergillus sp. Symptoms The symptoms are in the form of round black spots on the fruit and petiole. The disease starts from...

Cercospora fruit /leaf spot: Symptoms of flower
Pathogen: Cercospora punicae Symptoms Minute, circular, black spots appear on sepals of the flower. Fruit spots are black, minute and...

Cercospora fruit /leaf spot: Non slimy spots
Pathogen: Cercospora punicae Symptoms On leaves the spots are irregular reddish brown spots of various sizes, which may be few to...

Cercospora fruit /leaf spot: Infected fruit
Pathogen: Cercospora punicae Symptoms On fruit, the spots resemble bacterial blight lesions but are darker black, discrete, of various...

Cercospora fruit /leaf spot: Dark spots on fruits
Pathogen: Cercospora punicae Symptoms Fruit spots are black, minute and circular on rind. When grow old, become large, irregularly...