Damping off: Pythium seed rot
Pathogen: Pythium irregulare Symptoms Seeds water-soaked, mushy and decomposing; infected roots are gray and water-soaked; seedlings that...

Damping off: Post emergence damping off
Pathogen: Fusarium sp. Symptoms Post-emergence damping off – The pathogen attacks the collar region of seedlings on the surface of soil....

Botrytis leaf blight: White lesions on onion leaves
Pathogen: Botrytis squamosa Symptoms Small white lesions with light green halos which may expand slightly as they age; in prolonged...

Botrytis leaf blight: Dieback symptoms on leaf tips
Pathogen: Botrytis squamosa Symptoms Older lesions tend to be brownish-white and desiccated (dehydrated or dried out). When numerous...

Botrytis leaf blight: White spots on onion leaves
Pathogen: Botrytis squamosa Symptoms The first symptoms begin as small white spots that are surrounded by a greenish halo. Centers of...

Botrytis leaf blight: Grayish white lesions on onion leaves
Pathogen: Botrytis squamosa Symptoms Active lesions are grayish-white colour. Small (1 to 5 mm) grayish-white oval shaped lesions. Spots...

Botrytis leaf blight: Silivery-white spots on onion leaves
Pathogen: Botrytis squamosa Symptoms Spots often surrounded by slivery-white ‘halo’. Active lesions are grayish-white colour. Small (1 to...

Black mold: Discolouration at the neck
Pathogen: Aspergillus niger Symptoms Black discoloration at neck; lesions on outer scales; black streaks under outer dry scales; entire...

Black mold: Black fungal sporangia on the outer papery scales of the bulb
Pathogen: Aspergillus niger Symptoms Black discoloration at neck; lesions on outer scales; black streaks under outer dry scales; entire...

Black mold: Black fungal sporangia at the base of bulb
Pathogen: Aspergillus niger Symptoms The region below the neck blackens and clusters of black fungal spores from along veins and on or...