Onion : Planting

Land Preparation:
The field is ploughed to fine tilth by giving four to five ploughing with a sufficient interval between two ploughing. The ploughing should be shallow as most of the onion roots penetrate to a depth of not more than- 5-6 cm. Planking should be done for proper levelling. The field is then divided into beds and channels.
Method of Planting:
Seedlings obtained from seed sown nursery are usually transplanted in flat beds of size 1.5 x 4 m. In kharif crop 6-7 week old seedlings are transplanted whereas 8-9 weeks old seedlings are used for rabi
crop. Generally, for kharif season, seedlings are transplanted on flat beds at a spacing of 15 x 10 cm while for rabi crop spacing of 10 x 10 cm is adopted. If bulblets are used for planting, ridges are prepared at 30-45 cm distance and bulblets of kharif onion are planted at 10-12 cm distance. Bulblets with 2-2.5 cm diameter are ideal for planting. For planting one hectare area 750 kg of medium sized bulbs are required. Irrigation should be given immediately after transplanting. In some parts of the country, beds are first irrigated and then the seedlings are transplanted.
Broadcasting in Beds/Direct Sowing:
Seeds of big onion are sown directly in lines (30 cm apart) in parts of Chitradurga, Bellary and Dharwar districts of Karnataka, which are thinned later to give proper spacing for development of bulbs. Seeds
of small onion (Bangalore Rose, Agrifound Rose and Arka Bindu) are broadcasted in small flat beds which are thinned later. For broadcasting directly in the field or sowing in the row, 20-25 kg seeds per hectare are used. In the plains, seeds are sown in lines 30 cm apart during September-October. After sowing, hand hoeing is done to allow the seeds to reach to a depth of 2.5-3 cm. Hand watering or light irrigation is given immediately after covering the seeds. Weeding is recommended at 10 days interval for preventing smoothering of seedlings by weeds.