It is a tri-parental synthetic variety with Red to pinkish red elongated globe shaped bulbs. Average bulb weight is 120 g. Yield 47 t/ha in 130 days.

The variety Bhima Raj produces dark red and oval shaped bulbs with single centre and thin neck. The Bhima Raj matures within 120-125 days after transplanting with absolutely no bolters with average yield ranges from 25-30 t/ha with high percentage of marketable bulbs during rabi. The highest yield potential is 40-45 t/ha.

Bulbs are attractive red in coloure with round shape. TSS ranged from 10.0 to 11.0%. It matures in about 115-120 days during late kharif and rabi season after transplanting. Average yield in late kharif season ranged from 48.0-52.0 t/ha.

The variety possesses round bulbs with tapering towards neck. The TSS is from 10-11%. The variety produces quality bulbs with maximum number of single centered bulbs. Bulbs attains maturity after 110-115 days with an average yield of 26-28 t/ha in kharif and 40 to 45 t/ha in late kharif cultivation.

Bulbs are oval to round in shape, have very less number of bolters and doubles in rabi (less than 5%), thin neck, TSS 12%, good keeping quality suitable for storage upto 5-6 months. Matures in 130 days after transplanting. The average marketable yield potential is upto 41.5 t/ha during rabi season with national average yield of 30.3 t/ha.

Bulbs attains immediate attractive red colour after harvest. Shape is round. TSS 11.8%. Small to medium neck thickness, uniform neck fall during rabi and more than 70% neck fall during late kharif. Very good storage life. Bulbs mature in 130 days after transplanting during late kharif and rabi season. It is tolerant to thrips. Marketable yield during late kharif is 45.9 t/ha and during rabi 42.7 t/ha in Mahareashtra with national average yield of 29.18 t/ha during rabi season.

Bulbs are attractive white in colour, round in shape, very less number of bolters and doubles less than 3% in rabi season, thin neck, TSS 11.5%, matures in 110-115 day after transplanting during rabi, medium in keeping quality upto 3 months during rabi season. Average marketable yield during rabi season is 35.9 t/ha with national average yield of 28.2 t/ha. It is tolerant to thrips.

Bulbs are attractive white in colour ,oval to round in shape bulb, have less number of bolters up to 6% during late kharif and no bolters during kharif and doubles less than 3% in late kharif and krarif season, thin neck, TSS 10.4% in kharif and 11.7% in late kharif, matures in 112 day after transplanting during kharif and 125 days in late kharif. Average marketable yield during kharif is 24.16 t/ha and during late kharif 38.9 t/ha can fill the gap for processing from October to February.

It is a multiplier onion variety with uniform bright dark red bulb color, compound bulb with flat shape ,bulb size 4-5cm,number of bulblets/bulb 3-5, bulb weight 40-45g, TSS 16-18%,dry matter content 14-16% and bulb yield 20-25t/ha in 85 days.

It is a tri-parental synthetic variety with dark Red globe shaped bulbs. Average bulb weight is 115 g. Yield 45 t/ha in 130 days.

A F1 between MS-48 x Sel. 14-1-1 Medium size bulbs with globe shape and firm texture. Bulbs red in colour with bulb weight 120-130 g. Tolerance to purple blotch, basal rot & thrips. Long storage (4-5 months) Suitable for kharif and rabi seasons. Duration 130-140 days. Yield 50 t/ha.

It is a white onion variety for fermented preservation has uniform white color, bulbs are oval globe in shape, TSS 18-20%, dry matter content 15-18%, edible bulb 98%, weight 35-40g, small in size (3-3.5 cm) suitable for bottle preservation. It gives bulb yield 16-18t/ha in 105 days.

Developed through vigorous mass selection from IIHR-145 Globe shaped bulbs with medium large size. Deep red coloured outer scales and fleshy succulent internal scales. Average bulb weight 130-180g. Pungent with TSS 11-13%. Moderately resistant to purple blotch caused by Altermaria porii Seed yield 8 quintals/ha. Suitable for kharif season. Duration 140 days. Yield 47 t/ha.

A F1 between MS-65 x Sel. 13-1-1 Medium size bulbs with globe shape and firm texture. Bulbs red in colour with bulb weight 120 -130 g. Tolerance to purple blotch, basal rot & thrips. Long storage (4-5 months) Suitable for kharif and rabi seasons. Duration 125-130 days. Yield 47 t/ha.

Developed through pedigree selection from the cross U.D. 102 x IIHR-396. Bulbs uniform yellow. Medium size (5.2-6.0cm) bulbs with globe shape and thin neck. Mild pungent with TSS 11% and total sugar 9.81%. Tolerance to purple blotch, basal rot diseases and thrips. Long storage life (3 months). Suitable for export market Suitable for kharif and Rabi seasons. Duration 140 days. Yield 35 t/ha.

Arka Sona has the yellow bulb colour, globe shape, big size of bulb diameter 6.5-7cm, bulb weight 140.0g, low TSS 100 B, bulb yield 45 t/ha, duration 120 days, suitable for growing in Rabi season and suitable for export.

Arka Vishwas has the bulb colour dark red, flat globe shape, small size of bulb diameter3- 4cm, bulb weight 40.0g, TSS 160 B, bulb yield 30t/ha, duration 115 days, suitable for growing in Rabi season and suitable for export.