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Solutions . . . .

Basal Rot: Fungal growth on tip of the bulbs

Pathogen: Fusarium oxysporum


The bulb starts decaying from lower ends and ultimately whole plant dies.The tip gets covered with whitish or pinkish fungal growth.

Disease Development

Pathogen survives in soil and onion bulb as a primary source of inoculum in the form of Chlamydospore, resting spore for many years. In early stage of infection, roots of plants become pink in colour and rotting takes place later. In advanced stage, bulbs starts decaying from lower ends and ultimately whole plants die.

Disease Management

Drenching with carbendazim @ 0.1% is good for checking the growth of fungus. Five-year rotation with other crop is also recommended as its pathogen survives in soil. Dipping of seedling in 0.1% carbendazim also reduces basal rot in bulb crop significantly.


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