Damping off: Post emergence damping off

Pathogen: Fusarium sp.
Post-emergence damping off – The pathogen attacks the collar region of seedlings on the surface of soil. The collar portion rots and ultimately the seedlings collapse and die.
Disease Development
The fungi that cause damping-off are usually common in an onion production field. These fungi generally survive for long periods in soil and may persist in plant debris or on roots of weeds. Damping-off tends to be most severe under conditions of high soil moisture and compaction. Moderate temperatures, especially when onion crops are grown in succession, favor this disease. In greenhouses, damping-off can be more common when improperly pasteurized soil or previously used seedling trays are used for planting. Water splash can move infested soil from diseased to healthy plants and spread this disease.
Disease Management
Plant only disease-free seed; treat seed with fungicide; rotate crops with cereals or grasses to reduce levels of pathogen in soil; steam treatment or fumigation of soil can help reduce levels of pathogen in the soil.