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Solutions . . . .

Stemphylium blight: Affected onion plants in field

Pathogen: Stemphylium vesicarium


Initial infections on the leaves and leaf sheaths are small, light yellow to brown, and water-soaked. As the lesions expand they coalesce causing extensive blighting of the leaves.

Disease development

Extended periods of leaf wetness from dew formation, rainfall or overhead irrigation during bulb formation and development can result in severe leaf blighting. Bulb size can be greatly reduced due to loss of foliage. Infection is usually limited to leaves and does not extend down to the scales of the bulb.

Disease management

Good control of insects and other diseases is vital. This prevents weak tissue.There are a variety of fungicides that can prevent this disease from causing too much damage. In warm weather do not irrigate in crops with a slight Stemphylium infection.


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