Bolting: Light and fibrous seed stalk

Under this condition bulbs become light and fibrous and show very poor keeping quality. A seed stalk will form very quickly and appear to bolt up. These flower stalks or seed stems can form in the first year if appropriate environmental conditions occur and plant size are favorable.
Rabi onion starts to bolt at 20-25 ° C temperature. Early transplanting (August) and late (end of December-January) induce bolting in Kharif and Rabi onion, respectively. The restricted or poor vegetative growth, Low temperature (10-12 ° C) and transplanting of aged seedlings of above 10 weeks leads to bolting.Varietal difference-white cultivars are more sensitive to bolting.
Adjust the time of transplanting in such a way that the crop may exposed to moderate temperature at bulbing. Maturity of Rabi crop coincides with high temperature compared to kharif crop.
Grow non-bolting cultivars like Early Grano, Texas Early Grano, etc.
Transplant healthy and 6 to 7 week old seedlings.
Supply recommended dose of nitrogen.
Cut the seed stalk at early stage.