Sulfur deficiency
Nutritional Disorder Symptoms The leaves show a general overall chlorosis. The yellowing is much more uniform over the entire plant...

Potassium deficiency
Nutritional Disorder Symptoms Since potassium is very mobile within the plant, symptoms only develop on young leaves in the case of...

Potassium deficiency
Nutritional Disorder Symptoms Plants show drooping, yellowing of leaf margin. Prolonged deficiency cause necrosis from the tip and start...

Phosphorus deficiency
Nutritional Disorder Symptoms The older leaves gradually turn to yellow while the inner leaves remain dark green. Plants remain dwarf,...

Phosphorus deficiency
Nutritional Disorder Symptoms Slow growth, maturity blazed. Leaf colour becomes light green and bulbs have few dried outer peals. Tip...

Nitrogen deficiency
Nutritional Disorder Symptoms Leaves become yellowish green erect and upright curled, wilted and dwarf. At maturity tissue above bulbs...

Nitrogen deficiency
Nutritional Disorder Symptoms Older mature leaves turn paler green colour. As the deficiency progresses these older leaves become...

Manganese deficiency
Nutritional Disorder Symptoms Bulbing delayed with thick necks​. Leaves show tip burn, light coloured and curling. Growth restricted....

Manganese deficiency
Nutritional Disorder Symptoms Deficiencies result in slow growth, delayed maturity and a high percentage of thick necked bulbs at...

Zinc deficiency
Nutritional Disorder Symptoms Deficiencies result in stunted plant growth with noticeable twisting and faint interveinal chlorosis of the...